Foreword: Legacy Hall of Fail 2.0

Let us begin with one pathetic fact: In all the eight years I’ve been simming, I have never completed a legacy.

That’s not right. Not even the basic, ten-generation, can’t-go-wrong variety that was so history when Alphabetacies and Apocalypses came around. Not even the kind without an accompanying story, where you can just three-time through the whole thing without taking pictures or notes. Yes, I’m that pathetic.

It’s not like I haven’t tried. I have. Eight times in about as many years. But only a few of those attempts made it off the ground, and all of them ultimately crashed. Let’s take a look at them one by one, shall we?

First were the Lowens. They lived in that archaic place we call The Sims 2, in the year 2006ish. Their founder, Kylie, was created on the same day I learned about the legacy challenge. She married a hideous pizza guy named Edward and popped out three ugly children–Walter, Daniel, and Delilah. She then went on with her life while her children had ugly children of their own. Good start, right?

Not at all. The trouble was, I was twelve and stupid. I’d only skimmed the rules before starting, so I failed to grasp some of the finer points. And by that I mean the fundamental concept of picking an heir, maintaining a core bloodline, and keeping your ancestors around. So two kids, Delilah and Walter, remained in the legacy house while Kylie (that’s right, the FOUNDER) moved out with her husband and most hideous son. The whole thing fell into a heap around Generation Four, at which point I realized I didn’t like the family much anyway and left them for the vultures.

(A scary thought: They still exist somewhere on my hard drive.)

The Harveys were my most promising attempt, and the first who had a story worth uploading–or so I thought. Melissa was a loopy, stubborn sim who ate nothing but cookies and failed in her professional pursuits–and her romantic ones. It was not her dateability in question but her taste.

Enter Cleve, a whacked downtownie whose nose entered the gene pool and NEVER LEFT. Four generations later, there were still traces of it. The Gen. Two heir (yes, I understood the concept this time!) was Fred, and he married a pretty townie from college and decided to have ten children. You can guess what came next–lots of chaos, red plumbobs, near deaths, urges to boolprop and instantly fix everything… You get the idea.

Once nine of the Torturous Ten were out of the house, Hallie (our new heiress) married a Pokemon trainer wannabe named Ash, and the tale continued. Hallie’s daughter Adelaide gave birth to the first Gen. Five child who would ever grace my game, plus two more, but I’m afraid that was the end of it. My computer got so slow that a single day on three-speed took at least ten years to play. And that was the end of the Harveys.

In November of 2006, EA announced The Sims 3. For me (and perhaps many of you) it was a bittersweet moment of indecision. Would I buy it when I came out? Would I like it? And the question I didn’t dare ask–if I liked it better than The Sims 2, would I ever go back?! (Cue weeks of genuine stress.) Eventually, I decided that of COURSE I would buy it. After all, they were making the neighbourhoods seamless and what was more annoying about TS2 than those stupid blue loading screens?

However, I also decided–now working on the assumption that I would abandon the old game–that I couldn’t possibly leave it behind without completing a legacy. So I made a very one-sided pact with a fellow simmer to each finish a ten-gen legacy before the release of The Sims 3. I was pumped. This was the one! I was going to finish it if it was the last thing I ever did! Only, our timing was terrible. We had a month before TS3 hit the shelves–we were also in Year Eleven and had impending exams. Thus, Carlanna Parlour‘s Epic Journey of Validation was cut short after her daughter, Blair, gave birth to her first child. At this point both exams AND TS3 hit me in the face. I said screw it and rushed out to buy the first copy I could find, officially leaving my TS2 days in the dust.

As excited as I was, I waited until exams were over to install The Sims 3. Because I was a good kid, right? LOL NO. Because my computer was shit and couldn’t run the game. I was outraged at the time, but I’m not at all surprised looking back. I was running a homemade rig with some Intel Celeron piece of crap and 5,000-year-old Radeon graphics, so yeah, I might have been overshooting a bit.

So I waited. I taped the controls manual beside my monitor (who even needs that?!) as incentive while I memorized types of government and the quadratic formula. When exams were over, my dad leant me his computer to test the game. Lo and behold, it worked! It wasn’t perfect, but beggars can’t be choosers and all that. I just wanted to play. Specifically, I wanted to start a legacy because I mean, what else did people do with The Sims in 2009? Pinstar hadn’t even released TS3 rules yet, but I’d been lurking on the exchange reading people’s first attempts, so I knew it was doable. The very first sim I created in TS3 was Toastie Mackerel: an insane angler who would not only be my guinea pig but the founder of my first TS3 legacy. What an honour for such a pitifully named sim!

The Mackerels fared better than I’d expected; Toastie married Cyc10n3 Sw0rd and had give children: Samara, Michael, Scott (to my The Office fans: total accident lol), and twins Harper and Ellen. Samara was the prettiest, and that’s how you pick heirs (duh) so she won. She had a set of female triplets who fell prey to my brief but cringey plant name phase. Sadly, that’s when my dad needed his computer back. Being me, I never retrieved my files from his hard drive, and they were eventually deleted. These are practically the only pictures I have left of the Mackerels. So long, Toastie and co.

Right. So. It was August 2009. I had The Sims 3. I had recently acquired a beautiful purple laptop with impressive specs. It was time to crack down and do this legacy thing.

So did I make myself a nice, normal founder and get started on my ten generations? Of course not. I made Harry Freaking Potter and decided to go for twenty-six. Granted, it wasn’t a completely ludicrous idea. The Potterverse is an endless fount of names, after all. It’s just that tacklig an alphabet legacy when you haven’t completed a regular one is sort of like making creme brulee when you regularly fuck up toast (also me).

I have no idea what I was thinking, but I went for it. Harry apparated to Riverview and married a ginger named Ruby Broke (’cause the Brokes are just the Weasleys in disguise and we all know it). The “A” generation was a success; we had Andromeda, Albus, Antonin, Algie, and Alice. But I couldn’t pick an heir, so I figured I’d post a poll somewhere. Which meant posting their story first… and though I swear writing is a thing I enjoy… it’s also work and I let the backlog of screenshots build up until it broke me. Thus, the Potters died, too.

The Potters’ nosedive sparked a profound “play it simple” epiphany. I was convinced, therefore, that my new founder Goldilox Horton (named for Tim Horton’s by a Canadian who’d been out of the country for too long) would be the beginning of my legacy success. In fact, this whole intro spiel was originally intended for her story, before it was Seth Mellencamp’s and long before it was adapted for this very purpose.

That never happened. Goldilox’s four children didn’t even get to grow up before they fell victim to my abominable attention span.

Next came Valeria Little–yet another founder who was going to be “the one.” She wasn’t. Are you surprised? She did, however, get a kid or two out of Jared Frio–and that’s an accomplishment in itself.

And finally, ladies and gentlefolk, we come to the Mellencamps. Oh, the poor Mellencamps. I started their story almost a year ago when I experienced a giant wave of resolve and finally got the hang of this blogging business. I fleshed out this intro just for them; I even got caught up on my expansion packs! The Mellencamps (no relation to John–I just thought the name was cool) were going to be the Chosen Ones. For real this time. I could feel it.

I uploaded a whole generation’s worth of chapters. There was an heir poll, a brief hiatus, and then the first chapter of Gen. Two. It was smooth sailing for a while… until it wasn’t.

Some of you may have been directed here from the Mellencamps’ blog, and you may be wondering what the hell happened. Why I cut their story short, and why I’m recycling their foreword for new sims I’ll probably just abandon anyway. Well, there’s really no answer that doesn’t involve a deep psychoanalysis of my lack of commitment, but I can feed you some nonsense about starting university, developing interests outside of stories and games, and desperately needing a computer upgrade and a clean slate. All you really need to know is that the Mellencamps won’t be coming back. Sorry Seth, buddy–we had a good run, but it’s time for bigger and better things… you know, like Sims with actual body fat.

And that right there is a “condensed” history of my miserable attempts thus far; if you will, my Legacy Hall of Fail.

Take a moment to digest it all.

Nine families, nine failures. Nothing has been going my way for the past eight years. Computer issues, glitches, distractions, you name it–everything that could possibly have hindered me has weaseled its way into the path of progress.

But not this time. Because I have a plan.

You see, in each of these legacies I strove not only for completion, but also perfection. (Maybe not with the Lowens, but come on. I was twelve.) Eventually the pressure is just too much and my lazy brain cracks, unable to bear the weight of something quite as SERIOUS and CONSEQUENTIAL as a Sims challenge. So I’ve decided that, in order to make things work, I need to first make them… not work.

I’m not talking about causing myself technical issues. In fact, I’ve just build a brand new gaming rig with graphics that blow all of my previous computers out of the water. We’re all set in the hardware department. I’m talking about the sims themselves.

From here on out, there’ll be no more record-breaking attempts, no more picture-perfect families with their boring, overachieving offspring. We’re going to spice things up a bit and create a more fallible family. A more dysfunctional family.

But, proper spelling being far too dull for a blog like this, I hereby introduce to you:


And who better to kick off ten dysfunkshinul generations than a human dumpster fire?


Meet Tewl Langurd. This is his tewlish face.

And this is his legacy.

About gryffindork7

I like cats. This is a really thorough bio.

Posted on July 12, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. Perhaps if you add all of them together you get one ten generation family?


  2. Dammit, I love this! I wish I knew all of my failed sims legacies…there are soo many of them. Mainly because you get that sense of…yeah, I’m gonna do it this time…you hit the CAS and make your founder perfect and then you say something like…Shit, now I have to write what I’m playing.

    You are hilarious btw!


    • You just described my exact thought process every time I start a legacy! I am so A.D.D. that it never works because my gameplay gets waaaay ahead of my writing, and then I just go “meh” and start a new one. Hopefully not this time, though. πŸ˜›

      And thank you!


  3. I can relate, I haven’t done as many as you, but I’ve certainly never finished one before. 6 generations is my record.
    Love the little tribute you made. it made me remember my own failed legacies…


    • Yeah! You’ve gotten further than I have if six is your record. I can’t start a legacy without thinking of all the ones I’ve done before, and I guess I wanted them to be useful for something… even if it was just a cautionary tale. πŸ˜›


  4. I’ve never done as many legacies as you! I only successfully completed one, and I’m on my second (blogging wise). Though I did have one failed attempt before. I just hated that family…they were all too ugly!

    I hope your eight attempt is the best yet! πŸ˜€


    • Well, you’ve certainly got me beat if you’ve completed one! Congrats on that. I know how hard it can be… as you can see here. πŸ˜› This is my second legacy blog, too. And yeah, the ugly thing can be a problem. See the Lowens up there? I’m sure they had a few too many slices of ugly pie. They were just AWFUL.

      Oh, and thank you! I really hope so, too. πŸ˜€


  5. I’ve had a couple failed ones that were just for fun, no score keeping or anything. xD I’m on a new one. lolz. I just get bored when their money amount far out-reaches their ability to actually spend it and get things I like watching them spend time doing. xD That’s why I have a story instead of a legacy. xD


    • It’s a challenge, I know! My perpetual issue is that I always want to keep up a story with it, but then I have too much fun playing and fall way behind on writing. Either that or the lot gets so big and laggy that I want to punch it in the face.


  6. That… was absolutely glorious.
    I’m pumped to read now!
    Hopefully this one doesn’t end, right?


  7. Oh my word! That’s a crap ton of legacies! I’m kind of on my 4th attempt… My issue with the other ones was that I tried playing before I wrote, and go off of the pictures… But my dumb brain’s problem is that I want stuff to be written an exact way and stuff, so it works for me to write first, and take the pictures after… And if there is anything that I need to change because say a sim gets pregnant, then I change what I wrote… And surprisingly, it kind of works… Except for my procrastination… Darn thing… Anyway… Now that I’m done reading your legacy hall of fail, I think that I will read the actual legacy now.

    I was going to ask if you could read my legacy, but I just noticed that you were already subscribed… Heheh…



    • Sounds about right! Playing and then writing is a dangerous way to go… And procrastination is my worst enemy! Strange how we can put off even the things we enjoy doing, isn’t it?

      And yeah, I read your prologue a while back and must have gotten distracted, but apparently I liked it enough to put it on my follow list! I’m really enjoying reading through it now. πŸ˜€


  8. I love your Hall of Fail even though it makes me feel old. 12 when you started reading legacies? My God….


  9. I haven’t even gotten to your actual legacy and I’m already sobbing from laughing so much! This hall of fail is fantastic. May Tewl and his descendants fare better than your other legacy families!


  10. Hehe I like seeing all your old legacy attempts, your sims 2 sims were adorable πŸ˜€
    I never even tried playing a legacy when I first got the game, I didn’t even know what it was. Of course EA’s default story progression is so terribly sad that it depressed me to move my kids out and have them live solitary lives with no jobs. Once I got Nraas SP I jumped on the whole legacy bandwagon.


  11. i followed your blog a bit ago (thanks for following mine too btw!) and as horrible of a person i am, i’m just now getting to reading your story. can i just say that i love the way you write? i am SO excited to get to reading your legacy that i have every confidence you will finish. πŸ˜€


    • Nahh, I’m glad you dropped by, you certainly-not-horrible person! Thank you for the compliment and the confidence – you are far too kind! I hope I can live up to your expectations. πŸ™‚


  12. I’ve tried so many legacies and legacy spinoffs. Most of them didn’t even get generation 2 born. Only recently have I actually made some legacy families I can actually engage in. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog, but my rule is that I have to get to at least generation three in one legacy to show I at least have some sense of commitment.


    • Getting started is the hardest part – I would know! πŸ˜› I also know it’s different for everyone, but I would seriously recommend starting a blog. It kind of forces you to commit and invest, especially if you have people reading along. I hope you’re able to get one off the ground if that’s what you decide to do! Oh, and welcome to the site. πŸ˜€


  13. You remind me so much of myself. I started so many legacy challenges in the Sims 3 it’s ridiculous. I thought I would play the game, get a few generations worth of screenshots all while taking note of ideas I had and plot lines so that I could eventually create my own blog and start posting these screenshots with a well developed story for each generation. That never happened. Just like you I would get bored and stop playing with the family or something more important (school, work, personal life) would come up and I’d have to put it off. One time I had completed 3 generations of a family and was about to start number 4 when I learned about the black widow challenge and decided to try that in another saved game. My family was lost to me after that and I never even finished the black widow challenge either! Other legacy challenges ended because the game got glitchy which turned me off of playing so I’d start a next one and then boredom or more glitching would be the end of it. Another big issue for me was that my computer sucked graphics wise so my Sims looked quite derpy in the screenshots so that wasn’t very inspiring either. When I got the Sims 4 I made up my mind to do this legacy challenge once and for all. I created a blog a day after I started playing with the Sloanes to avoid procrastination and made up some of my own rules using Pinstar’s as a guide to avoid boredom. It helps that I have readers following me and leaving feedback after every post. Now I feel obligated (in a good way) to finish this cause I know people are invested in it. I like how you made Tewl Langurd and “his tewlish face”. LOL. This family sounds very interesting so I’m gonna get started on them now. πŸ™‚

    BTW, I promise I don’t usually leave long comments like this all the time. LOL.


    • We do sound very similar! My main deterrents were a) lack of attention span, b) I hated my graphics, c) glitches, and d) lack of other people who were invested in the story when I was too lazy to care… I think I’ve solved at least two of those problems, so I’ve found my groove and it sounds like you have too! I will definitely have to check out your legacy, since I haven’t read much in the TS4 universe yet. I also had no idea what the Black Widow Challenge was until I Googled it… Man, that is twisted! But it sounds a bit like playing with a female Tewl. πŸ˜›

      Oh and don’t worry about leaving long comments! I appreciate people taking the time to give me their thoughts, and I’m usually quite verbose myself, haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. You’ve got me hooked in a way that’s EXTREMELY RARE FOR ME.

    I love your voice and I CANNOT wait to get started on this.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ahhh welcome!! I am just now checking comments after being out of the country forever (ok it was five weeks but it felt like forever) so rest assured your lovely words are not falling on deaf ears, just the ears of a distracted backpacker who really needs to get back into updating now that she has no excuses. πŸ˜› Thank you so much for being fantastic and I hope you’ll keep reading! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Did I say that I am re-reading?

    I think I did.

    Am on Chapter 10 of the Founder Generation.

    I didn’t even know that you can make stories and challenges out of The Sims until my HS bestie and her late hubby told me after I became an adult!

    Too lazy to do it anyway, and not rich enough to buy strong compies to keep the whole darn thing.

    But THANK YOU for writing this! I am so JAZZED!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a whole wonderful world, isn’t it? I will admit I’ve poured an embarrassing amount of time and money into Sims stories (and this one specifically) but you can totally play and write with a more standard computer, too! Not that I would have the patience for laptop simming these days… XD

      Oh, and thank you for reading and commenting!!


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