Blog Archives

Oh My God, We’re Back Again


Look at this fool, trying to hype up her return to the blogosphere by comparing it to a boyband comeback. Despicable.


I have completed my yearly bout of falling off the face of the earth! Itā€™s been 10 months and 22 days since I last posted, which I think is pretty standard at this point? However, this yearā€™s unplanned-but-fully-expected hiatus featured some pretty cool things, including a literal departure from the face of the earth. No, I didnā€™t just jump in the air for a split second, though that totally counts. Iā€™m talking about an actual adventure!

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Update from Purgatory

Scratch thatā€”this is what Hell looks like.


Thank goodness DSLady has fired back some Sunshine and Liebster questions to keep me busy! At this rate, I will have composed an entire autobiography before the results are in.

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Look, a Distraction!

Help me, I canā€™t stop blogging! (Actually, Iā€™m more afraid that if I DO stop, itā€™ll be five years before I start again.) Either way, I did a thing to kill some time and stop me checking the Devilā€™s Heir Poll every three minutes.


Approximately ten thousand years ago, Liebster Awards were once again circulating the air ducts of WordPress and three of them landed in the Langurdsā€™ dust trap. (Wow, my analogies need to calm the fuck down.) Thank you to Miss Wingless, FluffyMao, and misterwolfe86 for those! Here are my totally serious answers to their questions: 

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Iron from Ice (and Other Distractions)

So everyone did their Spirit Animal posts, and this monthā€™s theme is ā€œoh btw Iā€™m still aliveā€ posts, right?

Hereā€™s mine anywayā€¦

Like many simmers I know, Iā€™ve always been hesitant about claiming ā€œgamerā€ status among non-simming folk. Somehow, the fact that I mainly play Sims and PokĆ©mon earns me the title ā€œgirl gamerā€ or ā€œcasual gamer,ā€ both of which I object to (thereā€™s nothing casual about logging 36 hours of virtual house building in a week, let me tell you). Truth be told, the reason I donā€™t often let myself delve into other games isnā€™t that they donā€™t interest me. I just know too well that I donā€™t do things by halves, and that the moment I get invested in a new universe, I get so completely and irreversibly lost in it that I canā€™t resurface until Iā€™ve explored every corner. And when itā€™s all over, Iā€™m left wandering all hollowed out and incapable of existing in the real world for a minimum of two weeks. (The six months after Deathly Hallows were another story.)

Iā€™m a binger. Itā€™s just how I live.

My recent downfall started when one of my quidditch friends posted about a Humble Bundle featuring 13 of Telltaleā€™s graphic adventure games for JUST TWELVE DOLLARS (insert flabbergasted commercial actor). A few people had been bothering me to play the Game of Thrones RPG for a while, because Iā€™m that person who broadcasts their ASOIAF love far and wide and who will start an in-depth theory discussion in the middle of a raging party. Yeah, that cool person.

Long story short, I caved and bought all the games. A month later I installed oneā€¦ and 24 hours after that, I was a blubbering mess.

IMG_0504 (1)

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